Saturday, November 14, 2015

8:39:00 AM
I Currently live in Fort worth Texas. I was raised in the Pacific Northwest and have enjoyed all types of music my entire life. There is no form of music that i don't enjoy. I love writing songs  and just released a new album of original music titled, "All the King's Men." The album showcases some of my different writing styles. I continue writing for other artists and enjoy the challenge of writing the next "Great song"

My latest release, "All the King's Men." is a collection of original songs. Some old and some new. The production represents a variety of styles and is catagorized as Country. I wrote all of the music and lyrics on the album.  I have also released a couple of singles that were very personal and memorable to those involved.. I have hundreds of songs to share and continue writing daily. I hope you enjoy listening to my music!

 The sound of the slide has always grabbed my attention. The haunting beauty of a resonator guitar can imitate the human voice like no other instrument. I grew up listening to many great players when the popularity of the instrument was somewhat limited. I was intrigued by this mysterious instrument and wanted to learn more about its unique sound. Brother Oswald was the first player I listened to and then came Mike Auldridge. He really explored and opened up the sounds of the instrument and was amazing. So many great players followed, Jerry Douglas, Stacy Phillips and Phil Ledbetter, to name a few. There is a lot of energy and emotion in their playing.  The day I heard Rob Ickes play “Old Rugged Cross,”   I ran out and bought my first resonator guitar. Rob’s playing, has been my biggest inspiration.

God Bless...



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