Thursday, July 25, 2019

12:08:00 AM
Folds Of Your Dress


Final track off the album has yet another haunted track. “Fold Of Your Dress” has Picott seeking out ways to disappear: “Pills make me rattle and cocaine’s worse/Whiskey is a slower ride to the hearse.” But it’s the connection he’s missing that haunts him the most: “Did I set you free just like I did the rest/Wish I was in the fold of your dress.” This is what Picott calls one of the “lighter” songs on the record. Clearly, the man’s been through some stuff.  ( Americana Highways provided the words )



One hell of an album that has got the reviewers raving with big words and phrases  “Anyone who’s gotten near or past 50 years old knows the existential ruminations that invariably ensue” 

Sorry but I’m over 60 and still feel like 18 and think like a 16 year old. Does that mean its a great album?

I think its  GREAT ALBUM and Mr. Picott does not like writing silly, glittery Pop.

The album is on regular play on TMEfm Radio and was provided by Adam Dawson who can promote great artists if not that famous.


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