Friday, June 15, 2018

12:21:00 PM

A breathe of new life into Western music, Consequence takes on a landscape as untamed and romanticized as the American West itself.

Wishing Well Texas & Tennessee Housewife Sixteen Tons Home Consequence Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to Be Cowboys Dirty Habits Wish It Was You Among the Willows


A storyteller with a passion for her listeners, Angela pulls in the crowd with a sweet voice and brutal honesty. She knows what it means to be out in the audience, her earliest memory is dancing in a smoky tent while her mama sang on stage at the Iowa State Fair. Even before she could talk, Angela sang along with the radio and listened to the record player in her grandparent’s home. They introduced her to country music and gave her a guitar for Christmas. Compared to her 10 year old self, the guitar was so large she laid it flat across her lap to learn three chords. Angela has never strayed far from those three chords and the truth, finally picking up the guitar to accompany her songwriting at 15. Music has always been her favorite escape, and at just 16 years old she landed her first paid gig to start sharing her songs from the stage.

In her now 25 years of life, Angela has witnessed many changes to “country music” and how it is defined. Angela sees it as the fans speaking up about what’s getting radio play lacking authenticity. Listeners don’t need to be educated on music theory or the music industry to know what they are hearing is over-produced & under-thought. In a world more concerned about image than content, Angela boldly offers authenticity in her artistry. She does not give a second thought to the fact that she is a young woman; she just delivers her intention with conviction. Each person she encounters lends inspiration that only a hundred lifetimes could give. That translates to writing that paints a whole picture of the human experience, wisdom far beyond her years.

Angela is taking her lifetime dream of being a country music artist and turning it into her lifestyle. Her goal is to make music her career and help people along the way. Currently, she is finishing up her first album, Consequence, to be released April 21st, 2018. She performs live shows across the country at cowboy poetry gatherings, western events, and other events. Along with playing live shows, she also posts videos to her YouTube (angelacmeyer) and Facebook (angelameyer23) every Thursday.


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