Thursday, July 5, 2018

1:39:00 PM

Instrumental funky blues-based music for the soul with energy and passion.

Steamroller Subway Rumble Love As I Know It Rock On You Gotta Start Somewhere Happy Take Two Sdw Deep Talkin' Hudson Breeze
Album Notes
In 2015, Big Apple Blues released the album ENERGY, which described day in a life of
New York City. Boasting entirely original material, ENERGY marked a departure from
the well-trodden blues genre towards a fusion of instrumental blues, soul, funk, and
rock. Unable to assign the album to a pre-defined genre, the critics labeled it as the “Big
Apple Blues Sound.”

This journey into terra incognita with ENERGY was a smash hit, receiving worldwide
airplay and rave reviews. Peeter Fenstra of The Blues Magazine concluded: “A glorious
melange of blues fusion, from New York’s finest. Unreservedly recommended”. Dan
Forte of Vintage Guitar: “Big Apple Blues has put together a set of originals listenable
enough for you not to miss the singer!”  Merv Osborne of Blues Matters exclaimed:
“This CD has taken over my life! Brilliant and could end up my album of the year!”
ENERGY was both a turning point and a break-through for the band; over a million
digital distributions sold and incredibly well-received live shows from USA to Europe to

MANHATTAN ALLEY builds on ENERGY and presents more of the feel-good Big Apple
Blues Sound. As with previous releases, MANHATTAN ALLEY was tracked live in one
big room. A band of brothers. All together. The recording took place at Sear Sound
studios in Manhattan, bringing the music to life with an old-school, real-time, no studio-
trickery approach. Like its predecessor, MANHATTAN ALLEY tells its own story, aiming
to draw from a well of energy and philosophical, utterly positive reflections on life and
creativity. It is inspired by New York City itself – NYC with a nod to Tin Pan Alley – the
collection of New York City music publishers and songwriters that dominated popular
music in America in the late 19th and early 20th century.

The old saying still rings true: You gotta start somewhere! Even as your head is
floating in the dizzying ether of ideas and you’re borne aloft on the wings of inspiration
and anxious to get going, planting both feet firmly on the ground and taking that first
step can be an act of will as challenging as moving mountains. But despite the
uncertainty, you feel compelled to press on. There’s something in you that seeks to be
unleashed, unshackled. It may take two or more attempts before your vision
crystallizes, but once everything is set in motion, watch out! Finding companions on
your journey who share your drive and vision is a must (like our dear, prematurely
departed friend, SDW)!

Changing the world is not something you can do alone. Get the right people by your
side to get things going your way, and you’re Happy, creative, and engaged in some
serious Deep talkin’; with that force that binds us all together. Some call it soul, others
the universal consciousness. Whatever it is, you’ve got it on the line, baby, and you’re
super bad, effortlessly lifting off the hard, cold ground and flying like the Hudson
breeze, airborne and unstoppable. Whatever the hurdles, you’re a Steamroller, but
you’re not making the world flat and dull… Nah, you’re adding depth and dimension,
shadow and light, zooming left and right, focused and tight, like a needle in the groove
on a funky LP. This is the process of creation in all its mysterious glory, this is the
Subway rumble, the hustle and bustle, leaving that cocoon for the moon, your voice
joining with the voices of millions rising up, hearts beating and striving, bodies and

minds and desires coming together, beautiful and harrowing and visceral, all melded
together to form that thing we call love; at least Love as I know it.  And when that
happens all you can do is hold tight and Rock on!


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